What makes a voice actor a GOOD voice actor? Number one, is remembering the acting portion. So MANY people think voice acting is just having a nice voice and getting in front of a microphone and making big $, this is simply not true. The acting part is very important, so important that most voice actors who make it, not just famous on camera actors, acting believably is just as important on audio because there is no motion picture to aid you in what's going on!
Next, and most importantly, the largest tip for the best voice actors in the entire world, is having fun. Yes, that is right. We as adults have on a majority scale have forgotten how to have fun. We over analyze, we think about form, punctuation, and where to put emphasis. BORING. The reads that sell, the cartoons and video games and TV shows and movies that have engaging content are people like you and I letting go of the adult reality we live in and returning to the sandbox and having the fun of our lives. This is why we can connect with content, because it allows our minds to disconnect with this reality and enter one that our soul longs for.