The secret is out, no longer do you need to pay a voice over artist for their service but have the option to buy AI programs like Speechify and Speechelo. But what are you really getting? While there may be a buyout option or even a hanus subscription fee, you're able to simply copy and paste for a mostly believable human voice. Something to keep in mind, this may be an excellent option for you, if you are like me, you're always on the go and sometimes there's not an audiobook for something, like an article or a 76 page guide you've been wanting to read up on. The catch? The human element is gone, your brain knows what's real and what's not. I was listening to a Charles Spurgeon sermon on YouTube a few months back, excellent sermon, but about 10 minutes in the Voice Actor said his words a little funny, and then, "oh, it's just an AI" and all of a sudden the sermon lost some credibility, not in it's meaning, but my brain knew now that it was not a real person, because these AI programs can't actually breath, infuse emotion, or give different words or phrases different levels of importance in the read. If someone was in a public speaking class, and read like one of these AI programs, they would fail in their delivery because a monotone read is absolutely boring! What teacher in school resignated with you? The one who talked in monotone or the one who was silly, crazy, loopy, or charismatic and funny! The answer is obvious here, we connect with a voice over that is infused with human emotion and connection. So please consider these things when wanting to use AI software for voice over services.
If you need a deep voice with meaning and human connection please email me and we can discuss getting you a voice over that delivers industry standard audio!
-Gabriel Zoromski
Voice Over Artist